Coaching at the VP Level

As a VP, you recognize Investment to gain traction.


As a busy VP in charge of multi-responsibilities, people, and projects within your company, it makes sense your own personal effectiveness requires a tune-up at times. It’s not a weakness, but a reality for all successful people: High performers sometimes place their own performance improvement and personal productivity, including planning, time-management, and goal setting, on the backburner. Smart move to have your organization invest in your forward-trajectory:


·        Accelerate momentum in your current role.

·        Develop a strategy to grow your personal leadership presence and brand.

·        Clarify Vision, Strategy and Goals and pinpoint how to achieve them.

·        Manage work and life priorities more effectively.

·        Navigate your organization's politics and processes to be more influential.

·        Tackle Imposter Syndrome.

·        Gain Confidence in communication.

·        Build healthy relationships with advocates.

·        Position yourself as an expert in your field.

·        Develop your team through delegation, feedback, and coaching. 


About Coaching:

Coaching provides an opportunity to course correct by focusing on you and what needs to be done in your career that cannot and should not be put off any longer. During our sessions, we will strategize and plan together what needs your attention, focus and clarity, so you leave our time together with a cleaner, renewed slate and an agreed direction to move forward.


What you can expect when coaching with me:

You will take an initial assessment that highlights the current state of your career and together we will map out a detailed strategy and plan for creating the success you want moving forward. We will pinpoint where your strengths are and where you need to shift your thinking and actions to get the very best results in your career and your life.


During our sessions you will develop a clearer sense of purpose and clarity around your priorities and time management, and a physical roadmap of your next steps.


Client testimonial:

"I invested in Amy's coaching and found the work to be invaluable and sustainable. The pre-work alone pushed me into action right away. The subsequent sessions helped me to identify patterns and replace them with powerful thoughts, behaviors, habits, and actions. Amy is a masterful coach whose tools and wisdom helped me to move forward immediately and authentically."


Logistics and Next Steps

We will schedule a thirty-minute video call and once you decide to move forward with coaching, you will complete a pre-assignment. Both the call and the pre-assignment helps us understand what your focus is for our time together. During our actual sessions I’ll help you design solutions that give you the outcomes you’re looking for. You’ll be working on solving your problems in real time in our sessions.


You can expect not only a clearer vision of what you need to do to reach your goals, you’ll also begin to craft an action plan to get there.


Expect our coaching sessions to help you: 


·        Get your arms around what your priorities are and what responsibilities you can delegate to others.

·        Connect the dots of your daily tasks and to-dos with the bigger picture of your organization.

·        Spend focused and dedicated time strategizing to work smarter not harder.

·        Experience specific feedback and targeted questions as a tool and technique to help you increase your own personal effectiveness, clarity and focus on work.